Australian Resources for Guidelines Development

NHMRC Guidelines for Guidelines Handbook
Provides practical advice in guideline development to meet the 2016 NHMRC guidelines standards .

Australian Commission for Safety and Quality in Healthcare
The commission is committed to the safety and quality to contribute to better health outcomes. There library provides access to resources which support guidelines.

The GRADE approach (Grading of Recommendations Assessment, Development and Evaluation) reflects best practice in clinical guideline development and is endorsed by organisations globally.
GIN Resources

GIN international has an extensive list of resources that will help any guideline developer. On their resources page, they have a list of tools developed by experts in the field to assist with guideline development, such as the The AGREE Instrument, CheckUp: Checklist for the Reporting of Updated Guidelines and the GIN/McMaster Guideline Checklist and the GIN public toolkit. This resource page will also direct you to the latest webinars, training, and publications in guideline development.
Click here to access this extensive collection
International Guideline Development Credentialing & Certification Program (INGUIDE)
A joint venture between GIN and McMaster university to produce the first international certified program for training guideline panel members, methodologists and chairs. A four-stage comprehensive program, delivered partly by self-led modules and partly through webinars/in person training, when permitted.
There is a 15% discount at each level for GIN members and LMIC participants. LMIC GIN members will receive a 30% discount. Organisations can purchase a block and call off each registration. If an organisation wishes to purchase a large block, they should contact the INGUIDE team, as a special discount may be available.

Other resources

GIN International has developed and collated a variety of resources to help guideline developers during COVID-19.

National COVID-19 Clinical Evidence Taskforce
A collaboration of the peak health professional bodies across Australia providing the most up to date clinical evidence during COVID-19.

Cochrane resources, such as reviews, special collections related to COVID-19 have been collated.